About the 4C model

The 4C Model for Intrapreneurial Capital illustrates how the process of these transformative development projects can look. It is based on a theory of different approaches to change, depending on how one views the outside world and how formal and informal influence affect the development process.
The 4C model shows that the development of such a project is difficult because it goes through different contexts dominated by people with different values, attitudes, and ways of working. These differences hinder both communication and collaboration, which in turn can create conflicts that prevent the transformative project from achieving its goals.
In the Principles of Intrapreneurial Capital and the 4C Model we use the following definitions:
Transformative development process. A transformative development process illustrated in the 4C model is about transformation. It involves modification of existing paradigms or redefinition into new paradigms based on new technology. Transformative development corresponds to the concepts of ”radical innovation” and ”disruptive innovation” used in other theories and models of change.
Transformative projects. A transformative project means breakthrough change. It aims to modify already existing solutions through drastic improvements or redefine them by shifting to completely new solutions (a paradigm shift).
Tactical process. A tactical process illustrated in the 4C model is about enhancement. It involves enhancement of existing business, an increase or improvement based on existing technology. A tactical process corresponds to the concept of “incremental innovation” and “architectural innovation” used in other theories and models of change.
Tactical projects. A tactical project means improvement. It aims to improve or further develop existing business, through an increase or improvement in quality, value, or scope. A tactical project can be of great strategic importance to the business.